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Club Multi-Terrain Records - Men

Multi-terrain records cover any running events not recognised as a road or track event.

Distances: Half Marathon, Marathon, 50km+, 50mi+, 100km+, 100mi+.

Age groups: U20, Senior, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75+.

The distance categories include any distances up to the next higher distance category e.g. a 49mi event will be included in the 50km category, a 99km event in the 50mi category.

The table below lists the club’s men’s multi-terrain records. A missing distance or age group means a time has yet to be recorded for that combination. Use the search box to filter results.

Type type_sort Gender gender_search Distance distance_m_sort Age Group age_sort Holder Time time_secs_sort Venue Date date_sort